During normal or booming economic times, growing demand from consumers -- and investors' eagerness to invest -- means that higher taxes are more easily endured. It's not that raising taxes even during boom times doesn't discourage some risk-taking and entrepreneurship; it does. But the general good health of the economy is often sufficient to swamp the ill consequences of higher taxes.
In bad economic times matters are very different. Businesses are losing customers and investors are sitting on the sidelines. Higher taxes, by cutting even further into businesses' falling profits, only fuel more economic pessimism. During recessions, there's no general economic vibrancy to balance out the profits lost to higher taxes. So raising taxes only amplifies entrepreneurs' and investors' pessimism.
Indeed, raising taxes during a recession likely does more than amplify producers' pessimism only for the duration of the downturn. By signaling to entrepreneurs and investors that the government is economically tone-deaf -- by revealing the government to be desperate to maintain its revenue stream even when many of the rest of us must struggle with reduced incomes -- raising taxes during a recession tells the world that the tax-addicted government is especially unfriendly to markets...
As the late Nobel economist Milton Friedman pointed out, 'No one spends someone else's money as carefully as he spends his own.'"
This sheer brilliance came from Donald Boudreaux in the Richmond Times Dispatch. I certainly can't say it better so I'll offer a brilliant wine pairing: a cool, crisp New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, brilliant yellow straw color, perhaps with some lime green tints, and a refreshing taste of citrus, grapefruit and perhaps white flowers!