Coming up with a plan can be tough because it feels like a lot of work and it requires a change of operation and mindset. The irony is that having a plan actually saves you time because it creates efficiency.
Challenges to sticking to a plan involve not being fully committed in the first place, not having a specific timeline for implementation, and allowing external factors to derail us.
In my financial life I have a plan and am thankful for it. However, I do have a tendency at times to get derailed when my "now" urge fights with my prior plan. In my business life, I have a plan and am happy to report that I'm sticking to it. The problem is that this focus on business has led to a lack of priority on my fitness, something that is very important to me.
When you put your different plans into place, no matter how solid, having competing interests in your own life may very well be an impediment. I'm beginning to think that my high school French teacher was right -- equilibre (balance) is the key to most of life's challenges. When we put plans together, whether for finances, business or personal, we must be sure that they are not only realistic independently but in the context of each other.