Thursday, July 1, 2010


So I remember telling my liberal girlfriends in San Francisco "congratulations" after the November 2008 election and promising to give Obama a chance. Nearly two years later I'm more than absolutely disgusted... I'm dejected. It started small -- today I received notice from my health care policy that certain items would "no longer be deductible" as health savings expenses due to "legislation reform" beginning in January 2011. After some digging, I learned that this isn't the only "change" I can "hope" for: there are a huge number of tax increases -- the most in a long, long time. Apparently the liberal majority in Congress slept through or wait... neglected to sign up for Economics and Finance classes -- that's right, they were in Public Policy or some sort of Sociology class discussing the down trodden.

So you're going to raise taxes on the people paying the most taxes. Hmm, have you ever looked at California's little case study -- more people leaving than coming and ultimately decreased tax revenue. That's because people also spend less and hire less when you tax the daylights out of them.

Well, at least we'll all "feel" better. Nancy Pelosi could probably just forgo the use of her jet for personal reasons but that would just be too sensible and fiscally responsible, wouldn't it.

I hope those of you that voted on this "hope and change" will go ahead and pay my increased share of taxes into a black hole. Don't even get me started about oil and off-shore drilling -- we wouldn't be in this mess if we could just drill for the damned oil on our own land.