This one won't be too bad, I promise. Consider it a personal inventory of sorts, like when a "I have nothing to wear" day turns into a full-blown closet overhaul. Plus, you'll feel much better knowing that your financial closet is well on its way to being in order.
1. First things first -- what wine are you going to pair this with? Pour some Sauvignon Blanc. For one, it offers a great value for money -- you can find a good one at your local grocery store for under $15, and it's nice, crisp, and zippy. (Just like the process is going to unfold.) See, this isn't so bad, right?
2. Now down to business: Make a list of all of your accounts containing money. So you might have checking, savings, a 401(k) or two or three (depending on how many jobs you've had and if you've rolled them over), an IRA, and perhaps some investing accounts.
3. Ask yourself the most pertinent question: Have I forgotten anything? Are there any outstanding, lonely 401(k) balances from former jobs that could automatically bump up my nest egg?
4. You've likely joined the 21st century and moved to online banking, so now it's time to figure out the values of these accounts. Log on and write these down beside the account. (Have another sip of wine if you haven't already -- we're almost through!) Can't find your password? Don't know where your accounts are? Time to figure this out -- you can't manage what you don't know!
5. Create a file with this information, either on your computer (password protected), or in a cabinet. We'll get to what to do with it in the next post.
Beautiful presentation! Can't wait to see/read/drink more!
Very nice and informative. You go girl!!
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