Simply register your telephone number(s) online at the National "Do Not Call" Registry or call 1-888-382-1222. If you continue receiving calls, you can file a complaint. Or, I find that a firm reminder that "I'm on the 'Do Not Call Registry'" does the trick.
Credit card offers are another noxious pet peeve. They're endless, a waste of paper, and in many ways, they're worse than telemarketing calls: some HMW fall prey, figuring they might as well sign up "just in case", or worse yet, they're stuck in a cycle of transferring balances from card to card in search of a "better" rate (versus addressing the root of the problem which is too much credit card debt and no real plan to conquer it).
Just as you can opt out of telemarketing calls, you are henceforth empowered to end the credit card offers! Simply fill out this online form, making sure to choose "opt out" -- it defaults to "opt in" (sneaky, but not sneaky enough for a HMW). This will free you of credit card offers for five years, a rather good deal considering it takes about 50 seconds.

Now go out and celebrate with a nice box o' Chardonnay! Yes, you heard me right. I was recently judging at a wine competition and had the pleasure of trying a Black Box Chardonnay from a well, box. It's a slim cardboard package with a tetra-pack (think of a bladder in a Camelback) filled with four bottles of wine. It stays fresh weeks after opening (as if wine ever lasts weeks at my house). And for the environmentally inclined, produces less waste. Best of all, it's $20 for four bottles! Every night can't be a Burgundy night!
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