Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Business Meal Tax Deduction Increase - Bill Introduced

There is potentially good news for small business owners and the restaurant and travel and tourism industries. Yesterday, Representative Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) and Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) introduced a bill to increase the business meal tax deduction to 80% from its current 50%.

Doing so will allow business owners to gain back more of this tax break which before 1993 was fully deductible. The bill is especially important for small businesses, who often use restaurants as mobile "offices" since many work out of their homes (some 52% including me). Furthermore, it will stimulate much needed economic activity in two sectors that have been hit hard by this tough section of the economic cycle.

Why should a LMF4HMW reader care? It is important to remember that small businesses, defined by the US Small Business Administration as having fewer than 500 workers, employ more than half of the private sector. These firms have generated 60-80% of the jobs created in the last decade. And they represent nearly 100% of the businesses in the U.S.!

Besides, people get tax credits for having kids (assuming they don't "make too much money). As long as we have this system (I'd vote for an across the board 10% flat tax where we do away with all deductions, thousands of forms and the majority of the expenses of running our current set up), we should be figuring out ways to help small business, not tax them out of business.

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