I just read a truly shocking article about an ex-accountant (see picture) who stole millions of dollars from her employer winery in Canada. During the trial, she had the audacity to blame the winery for allowing her to do so given her gambling addiction and alcoholism. She even blamed the casino for allowing her to gamble!
Wow. Disgusting. Yet so prevalent in less malicious forms in our society given the move away from personal responsibility and toward entitlement. Her lawyer argued she should be excused given her issues. I argue she should be held fully accountable and given extra punishment for blaming everyone but herself.
So how does this relate to the point I'm proving? This woman chose to steal, lie and blame. Many other people choose to ask for help or simply stop being jerks. With matters money -- just like everything else in life, how you operate is largely a choice. You can choose to have a less emotional, more planned approached to the way you spend and deal with it. Or become a victim full of excuses who refuses to plan and then complains about things "happening" to you.
Instead of spending time worrying, complaining and stressing, I urge you to choose to confront your financial situation head-on in a business like matter. This is what I've been blogging about for nearly two years -- creating a plan, sticking to it, and working towards continuous improvement. While this does force you to take personal responsibility (likely my most treasured value) for your financial situation, it also frees you from the negative forces of "things happening". And the very good news is that if you face life like in this manner, you won't have problems quitting smoking, exercising, eating healthy and accomplishing the things you set out to do.
Each day we make plenty of choices. Make yours mindfully and then accept responsibility for your actions, financial and other.
Wine pairing: pick a bottle that's on sale made from a grape you've never tried before.
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