Why is it that so many businesses and individuals are able to self-regulate? Revenue and income goes down, spending decreases. Revenue and income increases, spending can increase.
I'm so unbelievably tired of all of the dire talk about "our economy in the toilet". Ever been to South Africa and seen a shanty town? Visited Mozambique, Ethiopia and Chad? Or hell, lived in Europe and paid over 50% in income taxes?
I'm still seeing people out and about -- fat (i.e., overfed) people, mostly, which is another post entirely but with a similar theme of moderation. I'm not saying it isn't "tough"out there, nor do I dispute the data regarding employment figures. My point is is a broader, longer-term societal thought.
Has anyone ever read a history book? Studied economic cycles? Bothered to think about the fact that the economy isn't a linear and positive trajectory?
I'm not arguing that things aren't tougher. My point is that the U.S. is still a damn fabulous country. I also have a few ideas that can very simply and cheaply save our country money:

2. Make health insurance like car insurance. Not dealt with or sold by employers or the government. Just something required and with private companies providing choices. If you want a higher deductible and lower premiums, great. If you smoke or choose to be obese, you pay more. If you choose not to pay for it and have a "lifestyle", then there are consequences. (Those truly in need can go with a temporary government style plan akin to Welfare or unemployment, with an expiration date, of course.)
3. Create a flat tax system of 10 or 20%. Period. Then be done with it. No more thousand page IRS docs. No more arguments about fairness and what is and isn't middle class. Or deduction after deduction after deduction. Why should people who rent be penalized? And why should people who have child after child be incentivized? The USG can't even adjust the AMT rates for inflation or cost of living index, so they shouldn't be trusted with defining "middle class". Everyone pays the same percent. Those with more income pay more. As fair as can be.
4. Make serving the USG an honor. Not a career. You serve a term. And you get back to doing what good Americans do -- contributing to society in something other than taking tax-payer money legislating for a "living". No black-tie affairs. No jets. No pomp and circumstance. US taxpayers should not be charged with paying for government parties. If they want to have a party, they can pay for it out of their own pockets. This is not a private company with profit and loss responsibility -- it's a "firm" that takes more money when it's losing.
5. Create incentive-based pay for government employees. Ever been to the Social Security office or post office. Enough said. Or hell, go out on a limb and PRIVATIZE everything.
Happy 4th of July! I urge you to be POSITIVE. Since sentiment also drives the market we can all do our part in taking off the party-pooper hats.
WINE PAIRING: South African Chenin Blanc.
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